The idea is simple. We are 100+ Men Who Care – Jacksonville. We are one of more than 350 similar groups worldwide that focus on funding for local, community charitable organizations.
We meet quarterly for about an hour. We hear three short presentations on local nonprofits in need. Members vote and each person gives $100 directly to the winning nonprofit, meaning we have a $10,000 impact on one charity in one hour.
Karen Dunigan created the first 100 Who Care giving circle in 2006 to help meet local needs throughout the community. The rules are simple: any member could present a need in the community, the need had to be immediate, and the money had to remain local. There are now more than 900 chapters throughout the world as part of the 100 Who Care Alliance. 100 Men Who Care – Jacksonville chapter started in June, 2024.
Our team is made up of volunteers who are passionate about making a difference in our communities. There are no administrative fees and overhead. Every dollar given goes directly to the chosen charity.
Our second quarterly meeting is April 9th, 2025
Arrive early for signing.
6:00PM Start Time
Location TBD
Zoom Meeting ID: 770 914 8184
Our third quarterly meeting is July 9th, 2025
Arrive early for signing.
6:00PM Start Time
Location TBD
Zoom Meeting ID: 770 914 8184
Our fourth quarterly meeting is October 8th, 2025
Arrive early for signing.
6:00PM Start Time
Location TBD
Zoom Meeting ID: 770 914 8184